
Place your job postings with Jobs and Careers.

Jobs and Careers is a group of over 350 very specialized job boards. Jobs and Careers has job boards based on every industry and job category and for most cities, towns, states and provinces in North America along with 2 national job boards, one for the US and one for Canada.

A job posting posted by an employer goes onto all the Jobs and Careers job boards appropriate for that job posting. In many cases this will be over 2 dozen job boards.

For employers it does not stop there. Jobs and Careers is a partner in many of North America's largest job posting network partnerships that places jobs posted onto Jobs and Careers job boards onto hundreds of other job boards and into social media including Facebook and Twitter.

When you place your job posting with Jobs and Careers your job posting will be seen by more qualified people than any single national job board in turn you will get more qualified applicants with the right skill sets and qualifications you are looking for. You can target your job locally, regionally or nationally.


Each job posting will automatically go onto 2 to 3 dozen Jobs and Careers boards based on the job title, the industry and where the job is. As well, the job posting will be shown on hundreds of other job boards that are members of the National Job Board Network, National Job Board Partnership and the International Job Board Organization as well as other independent job boards and aggregator boards and we automatically target it by job title and industry.

Single city (1city) Regional (3 cities) State/Province wide (8 cities) National (25 cities)


You are guaranteed to hire or get 25 applicants - whichever comes first. Your job posting runs initially for 28 days but if the position is not filled or you have not received at least 25 applicants the job posting runs for another 28 days.


Your job posts on the Jobs and Careers network in 1 city and to a maximum of 8 job boards for 28 days. Response is usually more than adequate for simple retail help, customer service, general help and office help.


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